Monday 26 February 2024 review

2023 will see a boom in AI tools. AI can be found in everything from Microsoft Office to Google Suite to Adobe, helping you to quickly summarise text or create and enhance images. AI is also changing the way websites are built.

One of the benefits of using AI-powered website builders is that you can get a website up and running even faster than before. Some help you make a copy of your website or organise the structure for your project or business, and some even create images. takes it up a notch: You can create your website with just a short description in the prompt AND you also get the source code. For those in the know: you get the HTML, React code compatible with Shadcn UI and Tailwind CSS.

Please note, makes the “front” of the website. It’s not your run of the mill website builder that creates all and any kind of website you can think of. was launched by Vercel Labs that offers tools for developers to create frontends with the help of AI powered tools. is pronounced “version zero”, it’s also version 0 of this product.

Pros and cons of

If you know how the web works, can help you build websites quickly. With, you can build websites faster just by typing what kind of website you want into the prompt.

You can think of it as your user interface system generator, and the results you get are the frontend of a headless CMS like Contentful or Sanity.


  • Very fast
  • Easy to use
  • Integrates with modern web frameworks
  • Generates the source code
  • Generates several versions of a website based on your description


  • Still in private beta (at the time of writing), so you’ll probably be put on a waiting list first
  • Can be unstable at times
  • Not an all-purpose website builder – if you want to hold it against

Who is for?

As you might have guessed from the pros, generates code, which means it’s aimed more at the experienced web designer. is great for anyone who can describe in words what they want. You just type what you want into the prompt:

  • An online shop for green tea
  • An information hub for my social media
  • A dashboard for my service
  • A Hello Kitty-style music player

That said, you do need a working knowledge of how the web functions if you want to use the generated code. If words like git, deploy, javascript, or json send you running to the hills, but still want to get help from an AI powered tool, take a look at Mixo.

For the more experienced, it’s a great tool for prototyping your ideas and design. The cool thing is that generates the source code and works with modern web development frameworks.

How easy is it to use

OK. First things first. As is still in private beta, you may not be able to take it for a spin. However, you can browse a sample website and look at the generated source code.

If you can get into the private alpha, using couldn’t be easier. You just type what you want into the prompt and generates a few versions of your description.

The crux of is when you want to use the code: You need to know where to put the generated code. doesn’t come with hosting and all the shenanigans that allow you to host your website.

However, it’s a generative user interface system that you can use to design components of a website or application, such as the contact form, pricing section or user profile.

You start by typing the keyword of what you want into the prompt. gives you 4 examples below the prompt, or you can scroll down and look at the examples.

Once you have pressed enter, will generate the user interface. You can switch between the 3 variants or even generate a completely new version. generates structured code in HTML and React. You can view and copy it.

Generative user interface system

The interface is nice and clean. You can find everything you need and nothing is hidden behind cryptic icons or endless submenus. examples

If you don’t know where to start or how to describe what you have in mind, you can explore the UI generated by

The variety of generated user interfaces

You can find everything from a music player to toolbars to a weather app. As long as you can describe what you want, even the colours, will generate it for you. customer support is a product of Vercel. Vercel is a frontend cloud provider. It makes life easier for frontend developers. Think of it like a fast courier, only for certain types of websites. For those in the know, it started as a specialised hosting service for Node.js applications.

Then Vercel evolved into a versatile service that could handle all static sites and serverless functions. It also offers a CDN, custom domains and automatic HTTPS.

So if you need support, you’ll be contacting Vercel’s customer support. pricing

At the time of writing, was in private beta. You will receive a certain amount of credits when you register with Vercel.

Vercel prices

You are then given a certain amount of credits with which you can build the components you need. You can try for free with Vercel’s Hoppy plan.

Is the right tool for you?

To be clear, is not for everyone. It’s not for the non tech savvy people.

But if you don’t shy away from words such as React, HTML or localhost, you get a great tool that helps you create the components you need just by typing and describing in natural language.

It’s a nifty tool, if want to quickly put together a prototype or a minimum viable product (MVP), is a great place to start.

It’s also a great tool to complement so-called headless CMSs. These are services like Contentful or Sanity.

If you just want to put together a website and don’t want to think about the technical nitty gritty, then you’re happier with a run of the mill website builder such as Ukit or Olitt.

Original post here: review

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